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Images from the 2001 Cherokee Warpath Invitational

Click on any of the images for an enlargement. (Race results are here.)

Cherokee Warpath Invitational A view from the finish area during JV competition.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational The start of the women's varsity race.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational Ivett and Lindsey at the first mile split.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational Ouafae outpaces the competition.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational Ivett and Lindsey on their way to setting new PRs.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational At the starting line of the men's varsity race.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational A fast start for the men's varsity.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational Scott Shumaker led at the two-mile split for Woodstock.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational Also at the 2-mile mark, Tommy Hallman is running strong.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational Joey Snyder placed third for Woodstock at the Warpath.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational David Chao on the back side of the course.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational Joey Ranieri not far behind.
Cherokee Warpath Invitational Coach Yelton consults with Mark Campbell after the race.